AHMAD PACK N SHIP New York Offers The Following FedEx Services:
- FedEx Priority Overnight®
- FedEx Express Saver®
- FedEx Standard Overnight®
- FedEx 2 Day®
- FedEx Ground®
- FedEx Ground-Home Delivery®
- FedEx Priority International®
- FedEx Priority Puerto Rico®
- FedEx Economy Puerto Rico®
- FedEx Priority Canada®
- FedEx Ground Canada®
When It Comes To Shipping via FedEx In New York, NY, AHMAD PACK N SHIP New York Is Your Go-To Source for shipping…
- PC and laptop computers
- Documents
- Auto parts
- Medical devices
- Fragile & delicate items
- Video consoles & games
- Toys
- Electronics
- Office equipment & supplies
- Artwork
- Antiques
- Jewelry
- Clothing
- Household goods
- Samples
- Gifts
- Graduation presents
- Birthday items
Don’t forget, here at AHMAD PACK N SHIP New York we are packaging and shipping experts—bring us your delicate, valuable, time-sensitive and sentimental items. We have shipping boxes for virtually anything, and we’ll pack it with TLC to make sure it arrives in perfect condition.
Have A Question About FedEx Shipping?
Call (646)767-0031 to ask specific questions about FedEx shipments or to get a free quote. To track a FedEx shipment, visit Tracking Page. Not in a hurry? Click on the button below to send us a message.